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Rules & Regulations
Our updated rules and regulations for 2025 are now available to view online!
Check them out here.
Sewer Rate
Starting January 2025, Rates are as follows:
Residential Rate: $47.00 / Month
Commercial Rate: $47.00 Month plus $10.00 / 1,000 Gallons Used
Sewer billing occurs every two months and covers the previous 2 months of service.
After 15 days, there is a 10% penalty added to the bill and 1½% interest per month for any balance over 30 days.
Online Bill Payments are Available!
To make a payment, visit WDT Sewer Authority Bill Pay
Automatic Payment *NEW*
White Deer Township Sewer Authority offers Automatic Debit Payment from your checking or savings account.
To sign up for Automatic Payment, fill out the NEW WDTSA ADT Enrollment Form.
You can arrange to have your bill paid automatically from your checking or savings account.
Your bill will state “DO NOT PAY”, and the amount due will be withdrawn on the DUE DATE.
Payments will be debited every 2 months.